Pazhassirajacollege | Pulpally

M.A. Journalism & Mass Communication

Master of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication ( MA JMC)

 Teaching, Learning Strategy

Apart from the classroom interactions/lectures, seminars, workshops, media analysis, film appreciation etc. shall be conducted. Industry visits and study tours shall be arranged during the programme to get the students exposure to the nature and function of various media organisations. The Departmental body shall prepare a panel of external experts/ faculty and facilitate interaction between students and the panellists. Teachers shall organise interactive sessions between the students and the panellists in their respective fields and monitor students’ attendance and performance during these interactive sessions.

Medium of Instruction and Examination

Medium of instruction and examination shall be English considering the global media industry to which the professionals are nurtured and trained through the programme.

Evaluation Strategy

The evaluation scheme of all courses shall contain two parts:

  1. a) Internal evaluation, b) External evaluation

20% weight shall be given to the internal evaluation. The remaining 80% weight shall be for the end semester external evaluation. The external examination in theory courses is to be conducted with question papers set by external examiners. The evaluation of the answer scripts shall be done based on a well-defined scheme of valuation framed by the examiners. The external examination in practical courses shall be conducted and evaluated by two examiners - one internal and one external. The valuation of dissertation shall be jointly done by the supervisor of the project in the department and an External Expert from the approved panel, based on a well-defined scheme of valuation framed by them. They can follow the scheme of valuation suggested in the CBCSS-PG Regulations 2019 or frame an alternative one.

Dissertation and Viva voce: (8 credits)

The fourth semester will include dissertation and viva voce to be valued/ conducted by an Examination Board appointed by the University with allotment of 60 weightage for dissertation and 40 marks for viva voce.


Students have to do internship in recognised advertisement agency/newspapers/ news agency/ PR department/ any other media organisation for not less than one month. The Department Council/ equivalent body should prepare a list of media organisations (Newspapers and Magazines, TV Channels, Radio Stations, Advertising Agencies, Technical Writing Firms, Public Relations Departments, Web Portals etc.) and students should choose one of the organisations in the list to do internship. The list should be revised from time to time. If any student fails to fulfil this requirement, his/ her result will be withheld until the internship requirement is met.


Media education involves hands on training, particularly in this era of media convergence. Hence, adequate infrastructure in the form of computer systems, internet connections, software, cameras and accessories, edit suits and studios are to be ensured for the use of learners.

CBCSS PG Regulations 2019

In all other matters like credit hours, examination, evaluation, grading etc., CBCSS PG Regulations 2019 of the University of Calicut as amended from time to time shall be applicable.

Quick Stats

Offered by Type Mode Seats Duration
University of Calicut Aided Full Time 20 2 Years


MA-JMC-CBCSS-Syllabus-2019-126 View

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